Jack (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 1) Read online

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  “You came back here to my house because my buddies couldn’t fix the door tonight. And I’m guessing you don’t remember that because you took a pain pill.” Harper seemed to be trying to concentrate on her thoughts. She looked up into my eyes and gasped.

  “Oh my God, Jack! Did I do that?” She pointed at my face in horror. I gingerly felt around my already swollen eye and smirked at her.

  “Nah, this is how my face always looks. You just decorated it a little.” A small smile crossed her lips. “Come on, let’s get back to bed. I have to work in the morning. You can stay here and I’ll come get you at lunch to take you home.” We climbed back into bed and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. She was definitely a nut job, but I found I kinda liked her that way. She sighed, melting into my arms and soon we were asleep.



  Dreams were wonderful because your mind took you to places that you desired most and let you live out your fantasy. My current dream had a roughened hand massaging my breast, making me wet and ready for a romp in the sheets. The hand trailed down my skin and slipped beneath my underwear. My heart started pulsing faster and faster as fingers slid through my wet folds and started spreading my desire up to my clit, stroking me in small circles. Lips spread hot kisses over my neck and nibbled on my ear. A hot tongue flicked at my lips and I opened immediately. Moans of pleasure escaped my lips as the handle fondling me pushed me over the edge into the most orgasmic experience of my life.

  “You are so sexy when you come,” Jack whispered in my ear. He licked and nibbled at my ear as he continued to spread my release around my swollen pussy. His hands disappeared and my legs were spread wide. Cool air hit me and a moment later, his cock was sheathed to the hilt inside me. The force of his thrust brought me out of my haze and I opened my eyes to see that this most definitely was not a dream.

  “Morning, pretty girl.” I didn’t have time to say anything as he pulled out of me and slammed back in a moment later.

  “Oh,” I cried as he continued to ram inside of me, my body shifting further back with every thrust. He leaned forward and started kissing my neck, down over my t-shirt that was riding up my body. He pulled my t-shirt up with his teeth so that it was above my breasts. He nipped and licked my perky nipples, giving little tugs that made my pussy clench around his cock. Wet kisses trailed down my stomach from one hip to the other and a laugh escaped my lips as I curled into myself at the sensation.

  Jack looked up at me in confusion. “It’s never a good thing when the woman you’re pleasuring starts to laugh.”

  “Sorry. My sides are ticklish.”

  “Really?” A huge grin appeared and then he was tickling me so hard I thought I would pee. His cock slipped free of me as I struggled to get away, but he pinned my arms above my head with one hand while his other hand attacked my sides.

  Gasping, I tried to get him to stop. “Please. Please! I can’t take anymore. Stop. Stop!” I continued laughing until he moved swiftly down between my legs and his mouth was on my pussy. He slowly ran his tongue up my lips to my clit and started sucking hard.

  “Oh, God! Oh! Please don’t stop. Don’t stop!”

  He continued to suck my clit and flick his tongue over me until it was too much and I didn’t think I could take anymore. My legs were quivering for the impending orgasm that was about to take over my body. I tried to close my legs, but he rested his arms on my inner thighs and held them open. The sensations overwhelmed me and just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, he slid a finger into my pussy and began pumping.

  “Holy shit!”

  I was coming hard and I begged him to stop, but he continued to draw out my orgasm. When he finally slowed, my legs fell to the bed and I took long, deep breaths to slow my breathing. When I looked at him finally, he had a hunger in his eyes and I knew the morning was just beginning. He crawled back up the length of my body and kissed me. I could taste my arousal on his lips and his erection was prodding at my entrance.

  “We didn’t get a chance to talk yesterday after... I didn’t use protection. Are you on birth control?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.” He nodded.

  “I’m not usually that out of control. I always use protection, but something about you had me acting like a caveman. I couldn’t wait to get inside you and everything else just flew out of my head.” Hearing how much he wanted me made my heart soar and gave my ego a huge boost. For once in my life, I felt like a desirable woman with a sexy man bowing down at my feet. With my new found confidence, I reached down and grabbed his hard cock, guiding him towards my entrance.

  “Stop talking and fuck me.”

  An evil grin appeared on his handsome face. “Gladly.” Then he slammed into me so hard I was sure I could feel him in my throat. He withdrew slowly and slammed back in again. I felt my body being lifted as he shoved a pillow under my ass and then thrust into me again. The angle was different and a little more comfortable. He could fuck me harder this way and so much deeper. He leaned forward and pulled a nipple into his mouth. His hips slowed as he pumped tantalizingly slow, in and out.

  His movements were slow and sweet and reminded me of making love. I couldn’t look away from his beautiful face as he thrust slow and deep into me. He looked at me and I could swear I saw something in his eyes, but as I tried to uncover what it could be, his eyes shuttered and all I saw was lust. Then the moment was broken when he pulled out and flipped me over to my stomach. He pulled me up to my knees and entered me from behind. He pumped into me hard and fast, as he spread my ass cheeks and his balls slapped against my pussy.

  “Oh, yes! Fuck me harder,” I shouted.

  “Harper, you are so fucking sexy. Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “Touch my clit.” The words fell out of my mouth before I could think about it. His hands moved to my clit and started massaging. I moaned and screamed his name as I started to come. His cock pistoned in and out of me as his fingers dug into my skin to grip me as he fucked me hard. I heard him moan my name as he slammed into me one last time. He leaned forward and rested his head against my back.

  “Oh fuck, Harper. You’ve ruined me for other women.”

  The sentiment should have been flattering, but instead it felt like a splash of cold water. Reality that he would move on and find someone new washed over me and saddened me that this meant so much less to him. No. I needed to keep perspective here. This was a good time, an excellent fuck, but I couldn’t let myself think it would be more or I would get hurt. After all, if I expected more, I shouldn’t have slept with him the first day I met him. I rolled out from under him and collapsed onto my back, staring at the ceiling trying to catch my breath.

  Jack kissed me, then got up and went to the bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth and wiped me clean. “I have to go to work. I’ll be back about noon to pick you up.”

  “Jack, that’s really not necessary. This was great, but I have to get home. I have work to do and deadlines to meet. So, thanks, but you don’t have to do anymore.” He looked stunned that I was giving him the brush off. Had I misread him?

  “Look, I know this is happening kind of fast, but I never do anything I don’t want to. So if I tell you I’m going to do something for you, it’s not because I feel I have to. Besides, your apartment door isn’t fixed this early in the morning. It should be done by lunch and then I’ll take you home, but don’t mistake me. I will be seeing you again.”

  I was completely stunned. I was not expecting that from him. I knew he liked me, but I had assumed it was just a good time.

  “Just lay down and take a nap. Relax. I’ll call you when I’m on my way home so you can be ready. Speaking of, I need your number.”

  He left the room and came back with his phone. He programmed my number into his phone, then went to take a shower. I laid back and recalled the last twenty-four hours and how much things had changed. This man was super sexy and he seemed to really
want me. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but he seemed pretty adamant that we would be spending more time together. I had to admit, I really wanted that too. We had this chemistry that was off the charts and I’d really never had this kind of connection before with anyone else. Waking up this morning to him exploring my body had been amazing and I could definitely deal with more of that.

  I woke up a few hours later feeling completely rested. My foot was propped up on a pillow with a warm ice pack resting on it. It was throbbing again, so I headed into the living room to grab my purse. After getting some ibuprofen, I headed into the kitchen to grab some water. Jack had left me a note on the counter.


  I can’t stop thinking about how you taste. That was a great way to start my day. Dinner tonight- 6? Like an actual date? Your foot was pretty swollen so I put an ice pack on before I left. There are more in the freezer. Ice it a few more times before I get back. Towel and wash cloth on the sink. Hope you slept well.


  I smiled and went to the freezer to grab another ice pack. After propping my foot up on the couch, I turned on the TV and watched the news before heading off to take a quick shower. My curiosity got the better of me as I started rummaging through his cabinets. You know, in case he was really a psychopath. Everything in his medicine cabinet appeared normal. No sedatives were stashed there or little baggies of white stuff. So far so good. Then I went through his drawers and came up empty again. I huffed in annoyance. I was a little disappointed. It’s not that I wanted to be dating a serial killer, but I was expecting something interesting. He was generally a pretty tidy man. Not a whole lot out of place and nothing interesting to speak of. Looks like I would be going on a date with a normal man. Well, you can’t win them all. I found the towel and wash cloth he left out for me on the counter and took a quick shower. He didn’t have any girly shampoo or body wash, so I would be smelling like him the rest of the day. That was definitely not a bad thing.

  After getting dressed, I went off in search of food. I made some fried eggs and toast, then did up the dishes. I really needed to get some work done on my book, and after yesterday and this morning, I had plenty of new material to spice up my book. I was lost in writing for a couple of hours and only stopped when I heard my phone ping with a message from Jack. He was on his way and I had to hurry up and get ready, so I saved my work and shut down my computer, then packed up my stuff. By the time I was done, I heard him puling in the driveway. I hauled my stuff out to the truck and hopped in.

  “Hi. I didn’t lock the door.”

  “That’s okay. I need to run in an grab something anyway.” He went back inside and returned a minute later. He was covered in grime and he looked so sexy. Who knew men covered in dirt would be sexy?

  “So, where do you work?” I asked as we headed back into town.

  “I, uh, I own the auto shop on 7th.” He didn’t look at me when he said it. It was almost like he was embarrassed or trying to hide the fact that he owned the shop. Then I realized that he was the one who was taking care of my car. I couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t tell me yesterday.

  “So, you’re a mechanic.” He nodded. “So, why didn’t you look at my car yesterday? Not that I’m not grateful for all you did, but you probably could have told me what was wrong with my car in two minutes.”

  “The shop I own was my dad’s. His name was Graham. He was a great mechanic and he really liked to help people. He was always seeing people broken down and would pull over to help. He stopped one day on the side of the road to help a stranded woman. There was a car coming and the driver wasn’t paying attention, went into the gravel on the side of the road and lost control. My dad was killed. So, now when I pull over, I try not to spend too much time on the side of the road. Accidents happen, ya know?”

  That was horrible and I felt really bad that he had lost his dad that way.

  “I’m sorry about your father.” He shrugged.

  “It’s been five years. You can’t dwell on what could have been. It was an accident and he wouldn’t want me being pissed off five years later. I took over the business and it’s been going great. I miss working with him, but I still work with some of the guys that worked with him. We tell stories from time to time and joke about the old days.” Jack was smiling and I found myself thinking how great it would be to see that smile everyday.

  “So, I’m assuming my car is at your shop? Do you know what’s wrong with it?”

  “My guys looked it over yesterday and ordered the parts. There were a few things wrong, so we’re just fixing up anything that needs it.”

  He said that like it was no big deal, but it sounded like a lot of money. Money that I didn’t have. Fixing whatever was wrong with it would be enough to drain my savings for sure. I didn’t have a whole lot saved up and I didn’t really want to spend it on repairs, but my other options would be to take the bus and I really liked having a car. I’d just have to pull some extra shifts at the restaurant to get some extra money.

  “Jack, I really appreciate you taking care of that, but I can’t afford a whole lot. I really wish you had talked to me about it first.” I did my best to not sound bitchy, but I needed him to understand that I wouldn’t tolerate that kind of high handedness.

  “There’s no charge. I want to do what I can to fix it up. No major repairs, I just want to be sure it’s safe for you.” I sat there speechless. The only person who ever wanted to take care of me was my dad, and I was trying really hard to prove I didn’t need help.

  “Jack, I understand what you’re trying to do and I appreciate it, but we just met. I can’t accept that kind of help. It’s just too much. Let me know how much the repairs are and I’ll take care of it.” He was quiet for a minute as he considered what I said.

  “I’ll let you pay for the parts, but not the labor. As you said, I didn’t talk to you about it first. I can’t in good conscience ask you to pay. It wouldn’t be ethical.” It seemed to be a good compromise, so I accepted.

  “Fine, but I want a list of all the work that was done to ensure that I am paying for all the parts.”

  “Of course.”

  We drove to Anna’s place first and he insisted on running upstairs and taking care of the cat himself. He told me I would slow him down and that by the time we got upstairs, he could have it done and be back in the truck. Fifteen minutes later, he was back and we were headed to my apartment. He hauled my stuff upstairs and then when I wasn’t fast enough, he came back and carried me the rest of the way. As we approached the door, I blushed at the memories of what happened. I would never walk into this apartment and not think about the amazing sex we’d had.

  The door was completely fixed and seemed to be a lot thicker than the last one I had. There was a brand new deadbolt, chain lock, and a second deadbolt. Did he think I was preparing for war?

  “The last door wasn’t that thick. How did you manage that? And why are there so many locks?”

  He gave me a quizzical look and spoke slowly, as if I was having a hard time understanding him. “We broke your door while fucking. That shouldn’t happen.” I tried to say something, but he held up his hand to stop me. “The guys rebuilt the frame. It was busted anyway, so they adjusted for a heavier door. The extra locks are because you have some strange characters in this building and I want to know your safe. More than that, I want you to feel safe.”

  I stood totally dumbfounded for a moment. This man was amazing. The independent part of me was saying that he was going overboard, but the girly part of me was going gaga over how this man was taking into consideration my safety and feelings.

  “Sorry, it’s just... that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said. Or done. Thank you. I really apprec-”

  He cut me off with a wave of his hand. “I know you really appreciate it. You don’t have to keep thanking me. I told you, I only do what I want to do. I have to get back to work so let’s get you settled on the couch. I’ll get you an ic
e pack and I’ll be back to pick you up at 6.”

  I went over to the couch and put my foot up on a pillow. He came back with an ice pack and gave me a panty melting kiss that I was sure would hold me over for at least an hour.

  Good Lord, this man can kiss.

  “There’s a lot more I can do than kiss. I’ll show you again tonight,” he said. Then he was out the door.

  I had to fan myself as I watched him walk out the door. Not only was he an excellent lover, he had a gorgeous backside that made me want to squeeze every delicious inch of his tushy. After a few minutes of staring at the door, I came to my senses and decided it would not be productive to stare at the door all afternoon. I spent the afternoon writing and at four o’clock decided to start getting ready for our date. I wanted to allow extra time to look really nice for him. I started to get a little nervous the closer it came to the time he would pick me up. Everything was moving fast, but had also been very sexual. What if we didn’t have anything to talk about at dinner? I had never liked someone as much as I like Jack and I hoped that all went well tonight. I was already falling for his charms and I had to be careful that I didn’t take it too fast.



  It had been a crazy day and I wasn’t even sure if I could make my date with Harper. There was so much to do around the garage, but in the end I decided to delegate. That wasn’t something I was very good at. I always felt the need to be in charge of everything to do with my garage. She was my baby and my dad’s legacy. I wanted the garage to succeed, but I also needed it to succeed to make sure my dad’s good name lived on. So, I ran my garage the way he did. I was the first in and the last out.