Jack (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 1) Read online

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  I started to kneel and the grin slipped from his face. It was replaced by desire and his eyes looked molten. I reached forward and undid the button on his jeans. I was going unzip his pants, but hesitated because I was afraid I would get the zipper caught on his hard cock. He reached down and did it for me and I pulled his jeans down. I gulped as I saw him sticking out through his boxers.

  “You’re huge!” I bit my lip, wondering how he was going to fit in my mouth, but found that I rather liked the idea of him shoving his cock in my mouth and fucking me hard. Before I could think too much about it, I leaned forward and sucked as much of him into my mouth as possible. I ran my tongue along the length of him and tasted the salty moisture on the tip of his cock. I started to take him deeper and deeper until he was all the way at the back of my throat. I was on the verge of gagging and was going to pull back when I heard him moan in pleasure. I relaxed my throat and took him deeper. My pussy was throbbing with need and I slid a hand down my body to touch my clit.

  He threaded his fingers through my hair and grabbed on tight. Then he started thrusting his dick into my mouth and quite literally fucked my mouth. It was the sexiest thing I had ever felt and I started moving my own hand faster, pushing myself towards orgasm. After a minute, he pulled back and practically growled at me.

  “I fucking love your mouth, but right now I want to fuck your pussy.”

  He picked me up and pulled my shorts down. In one swift move, his cock was inside me. He didn’t stop for me to adjust to his girth. I could feel every thrust deep inside and with every punishing drive, I felt my back hitting the door with such force that I would probably bruise.

  “Oh, God, Jack. Don’t stop. Fuck me hard.”

  I was never very vocal during sex, but he seemed to bring it out of me. He kept pounding into me and I could faintly hear a creaking and the door slamming against the frame. I heard wood snapping and almost told Jack to stop, but I was on the verge of another orgasm. He reached down between us and started pinching and massaging my clit.

  “Come for me baby. I want to feel you come on my cock.” I started to come and he thrust faster and harder. “Fuck yeah,” he shouted as came inside me. Then I felt myself falling backwards as the door frame splintered and the door gave way. We fell in a crumpled mess into the hallway with him still very much inside of me. We looked at each other, both panting heavily and started laughing. “Oops. Looks like I just fucked you through the door,” he said between huffs. “I guess we have another mess to clean up.”

  “What the fuck,” a voice screeched from down the hall. “This is a fucking family place and we don’t need to see you fucking in the hall. Not to mention your fucking cock and her cunt. Her tits are practically hanging out of her fucking top. Have some fucking decency and cover your tits before the fucking kids see that shit.”

  A short fifty something woman came walking towards us wearing a hot pink vizor around her strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a blue and purple leotard with a pink mini skirt. How do I know it’s a leotard, you ask? Because her skirt is that short and I’m on the ground.

  “We’ll keep the fucking in the hallway to a minimum if you control the fucking fucks. Sound good,” Jack replied. “How about you turn around and let me get my woman covered up?” Though it wasn’t really a question.

  He leaned forward and gave me a swift kiss on the lips before trying his best to cover my nudity as he dragged me back inside my apartment. I hobbled over to the couch and grabbed a blanket to cover myself as he pulled his jeans back on. I admired his perfect body as he picked up the door and tried to stand it back in place.

  Now that he was only in his jeans, I could see his gorgeous six pack with a tiny trail of hair that worked its way down the v of his body. His jeans were slung low on his hips and my libido picked up again as his muscles contracted. I could feel the burn on my neck where the scruff from his jaw rubbed against me. His hair was on the shorter side, but still long enough that I could run my fingers through it. He was the sexiest man I had ever seen, and I had just had amazing, door shattering sex with him. My face flushed as I replayed what had just happened. I had to fan myself to cool my heated face.

  I watched as Jack pulled out his phone and called a friend to come fix the door. Then he turned to me with a sexy smirk and told me to go clean up. I was in a lust filled fog and found that my limbs obeyed him on command. I stumbled back to my bedroom, partially from my injured ankle, but mostly from the jelly-like state my legs had taken on. I stepped into the shower and couldn’t wipe the smile from my face at the most soul shattering sex I had ever had.

  As I came down from my high, I finally had enough sense to wash my hair and body. My ankle was starting to throb and I needed to get off it soon. I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel, drying myself off. I made my way back into the bedroom and glanced at my clock on the nightstand. Shit. There was no way I would make my shift tonight. I had spent too much time fucking around. Sometimes I made myself laugh. Besides, my ankle was hurting so bad, I knew there was no way that I could work more than a half hour before I would be in too much pain to walk.

  I grabbed my phone off the dresser and called into work, explaining to my boss that I had hurt my ankle and that I wouldn’t be able to work tonight. I apologized for the last minute phone call, but Shelley was awesome and told me to let her know if I couldn’t work any other shifts.

  I sat on my bed for a while and replayed the days events in my mind. It had been a shitty day that ended quite well. I was exhausted now and found my eyes drifting shut. I needed to take something for the pain before I went to sleep, otherwise it would keep me up all night. Right now, I just needed a warm bed and an ice pack for my foot. I hobbled over to the bathroom and got a pain pill out of the medicine cabinet and used a little paper cup of water to wash it down with. I heard some talking in the other room and decided to go check out the damage.



  I watched Harper hobble her sexy ass over to her bedroom and tried to shake the grin from my face. No such luck. That woman was a wet dream come true. The way she wrapped those lips around my cock was enough to fill my fantasies for the next year. I felt myself growing hard and pulled out my phone to get down to business before I went into her bathroom and had my way with her again.

  “Ryan, I need a favor.”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “I have a door that needs to be fixed. Can you swing by?”

  “Yeah, no problem. I’ll bring Logan with me.”

  “It’s not at my place. It’s over at West Side Apartments. 2C.”

  “Give me ten minutes and we’ll be over.”

  I glanced around the room at the mess we had made and decided to start cleaning up before they got here. I found the broom and dust pan and started cleaning up the splinters from where the door broke and picking up stuff that knocked over when we pushed through the door. It’s funny because I didn’t even hear anything fall over in my lust fueled haze. The door was propped up as much as I could, but there was still a gap since the frame was busted also. I heard a low whistle behind me as the door was shoved aside.

  “Dude, what happened here? Was it a break in?” Logan was standing in the doorway checking out our handiwork.

  “No, man. The door is busted from the inside out. Definitely not a break in. So what happened?” Ryan asked as he turned to me.

  “Um. Well...” I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to figure out what to say. I didn’t want to embarrass Harper. I really liked her and didn’t want my friends making shitty comments to her. “We sort of broke it.”

  They both stared at me, waiting for further explanation. When I didn’t say anything else, Logan spoke up. “Dude. That’s all your going to tell us is that you sort of.... Oh my God. Was this a sex accident?” He had an awe inspired look on his face and then broke out laughing. “Oh my God. What? Were you bangin’ her against the door? You actually fucked her through t
he door?” I looked up at the ceiling trying to figure out how to end this conversation so that Harper didn’t hear any of it. It would sound like I was bragging and that would not help convince her to give me a shot.

  “Logan.” I glared at him as he continued to laugh.

  “That door is a piece of crap, but still, you must have been fucking her good and hard to break the damn door down,” Logan continued.

  I heard a gasp behind me that said Harper had just overheard my loud-mouthed friend spewing his shit for all to hear. My eyes closed and I counted to five before turning around to see Harper’s bright red face filled with a mix of rage and humiliation. I was about to walk over to her when Ryan punched Logan in the stomach and stepped forward.

  “Hi, I’m Ryan and that jackass is Logan. Jack called us to help fix your door. By the looks of it, I’m gonna need to come back tomorrow. There are a few things I need to pick up. I’ll secure it the best I can for tonight, but you might want to sleep somewhere else.”

  Harper looked grateful that he was ignoring his friend and talking about repairs. Then, Logan stepped forward and I was considering whether or not to deck the dickhead. His outstretched hand had me holding back.

  “Sorry about that. Jack hasn’t said a word. I just sort of figured it out and ...well, I can be an asshole.” Harper seemed to accept that and took his hand for a short handshake.

  “Thank you for coming over here. I really appreciate anything you can do. I’m sure it will be fine for me to stay tonight.” Say what? She seriously thought she was going to stay here where anyone could walk in? The door didn’t even close all the way or give the impression that it was shut. Before I could think better of it, I turned to her and let the words fly.

  “Are you fucking crazy? You’re door is busted in and you want to stay here? Remember the creep down the hall?” At that, Harper flushed bright red. No doubt remembering what happened as he walked past. “Look, you’re coming home with me tonight. I’m not gonna let you stay here and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to go stay with Satan. I can bring you back tomorrow after we go to your friend’s place. Go pack a bag and we’ll get out of here.”

  I should have seen it coming. After every word I said, I saw her face grow angrier. Her inner bitch was about to be set free like a hurricane. The smart thing to do would be to shut my mouth and ride out the waves. I was about to pay big time for my stupidity.

  “Excuse me? You won’t let me stay here? Am I fucking crazy? I think I would be fucking crazy to allow a guy I just met today boss me around and tell me what I was going to be doing for the night. Frankly, I’d rather take my chances with Satan!”

  Ryan and Logan tried to act like they weren’t paying attention, but decided instead to go get supplies. I heard them mumble something about being right back and Logan threw out some comment about being handed my balls. Now I was all alone with a pissed off woman that would rather sleep in an unsecured apartment than come home with me. I was going to have to do some groveling if I had any hopes of her coming with me. Unfortunately, I’ve never been in the position of groveling and what came out just made it worse.

  “Look, I didn’t mean to order you around, but I’m not gonna let you stay here to be attacked by a creep in the middle of the night. Be smart about this. You can’t be stupid enough to think this is safe.” Her jaw dropped. Yeah, it didn’t sound good to me either when I said it. “I mean.. what I mean is.. I’m just looking out for you and...” I started to run my hands through my hair, trying to figure out how to make this better. With every word, I heard the hammering of nails in my coffin.

  “Please, do tell me what you are actually trying to say. I would love to hear some more about how stupid I am.” She crossed her arms over her chest just begging for me to spew more word vomit. Her eyes bore into me and I swear my balls curled up inside my body. This woman had so much attitude, but it was a hell of a turn on. I had to get it together and fix this because there was no way I would be letting this vixen go. My instincts were telling me to stalk over to her and claim her as mine, but after all the shit she had been through today, I thought a more cautious approach would work better.

  “What I was really trying to say is that I like you, and I would love to see you again. Ever since I saw you sitting in that puddle, I’ve felt protective of you. You seem like you could use someone to help you out. Not that you can’t help yourself, but maybe a helping hand would be nice. I just don’t want anything to happen to you, so I would appreciate it if you would allow me to help you out by coming to stay the night with me.”

  It was like battery acid in my mouth to be so nice about it when what I really wanted to do was drag her down the stairs and make her come with me. She huffed, but a small smile crossed her face.

  “Next time, start with that and then tell yourself to shut up.” I breathed a sigh of relief that I seemed to have chosen the best course of action. “I’ll go pack a bag. Be right back.”

  I released a long breath and thought maybe I should send her over to Sebastian for a job. He ran a security firm and Harper might make a great interrogator. Her glare was enough to make a grown man piss himself.

  The guys came back a few minutes later and seemed very happy that the argument was over. They quickly did a makeshift fix for the door and said their goodbyes, promising to be over first thing in the morning to fix it. Harper came out several minutes later with an overnight bag and her laptop case. I noticed that she seemed to be favoring her ankle a little more than before. I grabbed her bags from her and knew she was hurting when she didn’t fight me on it.

  We slowly made our way downstairs and I had to bite my tongue every time I saw her struggle. I quickly ran out to the truck and threw her bags inside. When I got back, she had only made it down a few steps. I hauled her up in my arms, which she put up a very small fight about, but in the end, she wrapped her arms around my neck and allowed me to carry her out. By the time we were at the truck, her head was resting heavily on my shoulder and I saw her eyes drooping when I set her down. I buckled her in and when I closed the door, her head hit the window with a soft thunk.

  My house was a good twenty minutes outside of town and I could tell she would be asleep by then. My house used to be my dad’s hunting cabin, but when he passed, I decided to update it a little and make it my home. It wasn’t anything big, but it was peaceful and a great escape after a long day. The guys usually came over once a week for poker night. We didn’t have to worry about how loud we were and we could just relax and have a good time.

  I glanced over at Harper as we approached the driveway to my house to see she was in fact asleep. My driveway was a bumpy, dirt road and I didn’t want to wake her so I drove slowly. I shouldn’t have worried because she didn’t even stir when I pulled her out of the truck to take her inside. She could sleep like the dead.

  I took her straight back to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. I grabbed her stuff from the truck and saw she was still passed out on the bed. I contemplated getting her in her pajamas, but it looked like too much work in her current state. I unzipped her jeans and pulled them off, then pulled back the covers and tucked her in. Her head flopped around as I laid her down and I couldn’t help but wonder how a person could sleep so heavily.

  I went through my nightly ritual of turning off the lights and locking the doors. I didn’t really worry about much out here. Our town was pretty safe, but still, it was habit to lock everything up tight. I took a quick shower and then joined her in bed. Normally I slept nude, so I climbed in bed, figuring it wouldn’t be a big deal since we had already had sex. She was turned away from me, so I pulled her back into me and wrapped my arms around her. It didn’t take long before my eyes drifted shut and I was asleep.

  I heard a scream and then felt a hard hit to my face. It landed pretty close to my eye and was throbbing. I grabbed my eye as I rolled to the edge of the bed to stand up.


  That fucking hurt. What the fuc
k was going on? I stood and looked over at Harper who was staring at me with wide eyes and wielding the lamp from my bedside table. She leapt across the bed and came at me, swinging the lamp and screaming like a banshee. I swiftly grabbed the lamp from her and threw it to the ground as I grabbed her wrist with my other hand. She was about to swing her fist at me again, so I grabbed her other wrist and pushed her back onto the bed, then climbed on top of her.

  “What the fuck, Harper? It’s me. Jack.” I stared into her angry eyes and saw recognition dawn on her. She let out a laugh, so I took that as my cue that I could get off her.

  “Whew. I about beat the shit out of you. Where am I and why are you naked in bed with me? What is going on?” Her voice rose with every word she said. How the hell did she not remember what happened? I was beginning to think that she really was crazy. Figures I would have a thing for a nut job. Of course, I should have seen this coming when I literally picked her up out of a puddle wearing the skimpiest outfit possible.

  “What is the last thing you remember,” I asked tentatively.

  “Umm. I remember the crazy bitch in the hall and going to take a shower. Oh, then I took a pain pill and called into work. After that, it’s kind of fuzzy.”

  Well that explained it. She took a pain pill. Usually those have some side effects like drowsiness. Now it made sense. I picked up the discarded lamp off the floor and walked over to the other side of the bed to plug it back in. When I turned the light on, I heard her moan. When I turned around, she was staring at me like I was her next meal. I very gladly would be, except I had been punched in the face and after her brand of crazy, I was ready to call it a night.